I'm a third year fashion student. This is my journal for this year.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

White in the Forest

Slowly but surely I'm starting to get a portfolio together of some of my favourite designs I have done so far. So this week I decided to get that going. With the help of Dirk van Niekerk as photographer, Crowning Glory for the flower crown and the very talented singer/songwriter Chantel Van T we put together a shoot in the Newlands forest.

A little bit about the design; our brief was to design for any of the Zodiac signs, me personally being a Scorpio I designed my conceptualized dress around the personalties of the people that falls under the zodiac sign but also concentrated on the physical built of a scorpio. Like for example his pinchers (I think that's what it's called) at the breast area. His layers on his body I showcased on the neck and the center back, but just to make it a bit more feminine and suiting I used mesh as my main fabric to get that flowing effect, I also used a lot of lace applique and lace shorts just to make it more appealing and feminine.

Not even joking there were soooooo many great shots I literally couldn't choose. So I could only decide on a minimum of 23 photos and nothing less. I'm pretty sure I still have to make it shorter to probably 5 photos or something for my portfolio aaaahhhhhhh #fashionproblems.
And that's it for today folks!!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014


So, at our final year at FEDISA we are tasked to create a 
ready-to-wear collection for the annual fashion show at the end of the year. 
We are briefed at the beginning of the year and have almost the entire year to
cover all aspects of designing your own collection.

The first step was to create a range map/mind map.
Where you brainstorm and start to get direction.
After that we had to start designing possible looks and 
collection name ideas.

So i thought i would just attach my own range map 
to share in what direction I'm going:
so much excitement up ahead and possibly one or two sleepless nights:)
so much fuuuuun (that was said in a sarcastic tone if you didn't pick that up)

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

J&B Met

Soooo this year really started of with a bang
We had to make a couple's look for the annual J&B Met (a horseracing show)
and stand a chance to win most elegant couple prize and the theme
was made to conquer.
Quite frankly even if I force myself I can not design those frilly over-the-top
extravagant, lacy, renaissance looks.
that's just not me. So I did end up making something I personally
really like. I obviously didn't go much further than the first round,
but I was very stoked with what I was able to produce
and I was quite proud to see it go down the runway.
My very beautiful sister, Carmen and my very attractive boyfriend, Dirk
modelled my look and overall we had so much fun on the day!!!

So this was my look:

 and.....dumrolllll these were the three winning looks:


I am Melissa Crous.
I am a fashion student at FEDISA.
I am a capetonian.
I am an adventurer.
I am a nature lover.
I am a sister.
I am a friend.
I am a mom...to a kitty.

This blog will be especially dedicated to my third year as a fashion student at 
FEDISA (http://www.fedisa.co.za/ba-degree/)

I will be writing about our whole process to designing and creating a collection, I 
may occasionally procrastinate, cry, sing, dance or just write a boring post about my day.

I'm just hoping that whoever wants to go into the world of fashion, or someone that already is can identify with me and laugh/cry with me about it and maybe learn something new.

Keep an eye out for any posts to follow!!!

That's me in FEDISA whoop.